Download radiant historia perfect chronology
Download radiant historia perfect chronology

  • Under the Moonlight - Mission to investigate an information leak with Eruca and Rainey in New Granorg in a different timeline ($2.49).
  • Rage of the Fallen - Mission to rescue Aht and Marco in New Granorg in a different timeline ($2.49).
  • Bathing in Mana - Fan service event, where each character will show up for a swim, plus an additional boss battle ($3.99).
  • Classic Art Pack - Switch main character art to original version’s ($2.49).
  • Chibi Art Pack - Switch main character art to Chibi art ($2.49).
  • Mole Armlet - Consumable item to gain additional money ($1.99).
  • In addition, the publisher also revealed the release dates and US pricing of various pieces of DLC for the game:

    download radiant historia perfect chronology

    Players will be able to transfer their save data from the demo into the main game when it releases on Februin North America or Februin Europe.

    download radiant historia perfect chronology

    The demo for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is available to download for Nintendo 3DS now in North America and Europe. Atlus USA has released a demo version of its upcoming enhanced remake of Radiant Historia.

    Download radiant historia perfect chronology